The vast majority of us, today, are locked up at home. This for some may be a bit overwhelming but I think it is the perfect time to enjoy our home and perform activities that help us relax and improve our anxiety.
One of my favourite activities that has brought me great benefits is meditating. Although it is good to be in a place with few distractions and silence, I prefer to enjoy my garden and be surrounded by nature in order to do it.
Backyard Space Types
If you decide to give it a try and meditate in your backyard, here are some ideas to create a nice and useful space.
- Under a tree: besides enjoying its shade and leaning on its trunk, you can also put some blankets or cushions around you to feel more comfortable. When you finish meditating, you can stay a few more minutes outdoors, which will help you feel more relaxed and enjoy a nice day.
- Meditation tent: There are many styles and varieties that can be adapted to your style. Having one that can keep mosquitoes away while you meditate is essential so you don’t have any distractions.
- Back porch: Here you can give this space your personal touch with some aromatic candles and decorative fabrics that fall from the ceiling. You could use essential oils but I do not recommend it since as you are in an open space they will not stay long in the environment. The back porch can be a great cosy space as well.
Outdoor Elements
Take advantage of all the elements that your garden can offer you. If you have a water fountain, I advise you to create a space nearby, so you can take advantage of the relaxing sound. If you want to distract yourself and have some DIY activities, I advise you to have fun with some lights. You can use lamps or candles, but my favourite is fairy lights. I feel that they give it that bright touch that I really love.
You can also dedicate yourself to doing a little landscaping and creating your zen garden, with all of the elements that come with having one like rocks, plants, location, etc. One positive thing about creating your own space to meditate outdoors is that you can invite all the members of your family to participate in this activity. You can search for guided meditations if you are a beginner and also investigate guided meditations for children. It is an excellent activity where they can learn to surround themselves with a positive environment.
Outdoor Meditation
As I mentioned before, if you are just starting out with the adventure of meditating, I advise you to start with a guided meditation first and practice it daily, at the same time, for a period of 10 to 15 minutes. It is not necessary to stay meditating for 2 hours or more. Just remember that time is not important, but concentration and being mindful of what you are doing at that time is. Just focus on the moment.
Also, another way to meditate is with mantras. It is not necessary to look for an ancient mantra that is difficult for you to pronounce or understand the meaning of. You can create your own mantra with positive affirmations and repeat them mentally. I advise you to start with deep breaths first and when you feel totally relaxed start repeating your mantra mentally. Some examples are “I love myself”, “I’m happy with who I am and what I don’t and do have”, “I am great and I feel great”, etc.
Another way to meditate is by drawing or painting mandalas. I assure you that children will love it. Mandalas are a way of meditating because they help you practice your mindfulness of the present and you can also interpret them by the colours you decide to use. I recommend that you do it during the day or in the afternoon since at night if you do not have good light in the garden you may be making too much effort with your eyes.
You can start this activity whenever you like. You do not need to have previous experience just the will to do it and to feel better every day. Use the furniture or accessories with which you feel most comfortable. You can do it while sitting upright if you wish, but always remember to be in a comfortable position. Try to focus on your breathing, inhaling, and exhaling. In and out, leave your mind blank and close your eyes.