Moving successfully takes a particular set of equipment and organisational skills. For many the idea of packing up all of their belongings sends a shiver of dread down their spine. This process can be very time consuming even with the right tools on hand. Professionals can be hired to do the work for you if the idea truly is overwhelming, but for those with a do-it-yourself attitude, there are many tricks and tips that can ensure the experience is not so traumatic.
Be sure to start with all the right tools already on hand. It is best to not have to disrupt the process to make additional trips to the store for forgotten bits. Cardboard boxes that are made specifically for packing, come in all the correct sizes and are durable enough to survive the demands of the job. Packing tape for the bottom and top of all cardboard boxes will be necessary as well, and you want to make sure to have multiple rolls as you will go through this faster than you think. A pack of Sharpie markers or other thick tipped marker for labeling will save you plenty of time, and keep you organised. You will want to have some form of wrapping or packing paper, padding or peanuts that can be used when you have to pack fragile items. A good assortment of snacks and beverages will keep your helpers around longer. If you prepare ahead of time and have all of this on hand when your friends arrive to help, you will maximise your efforts and minimise the time necessary to do the job.

Now that you’re ready to start putting your stuff into boxes that are going to be sealed and inaccessible until you unpack them at your new place, you might want to consider ensuring that items you use all the time, and you know you will need before getting entirely unpacked don’t get put away where you can’t access or find them. Pack each room individually, clearly labeling each cardboard box with the room and contents so you can easily put it away. Start with the least used rooms of your home. Most people pack their bathroom and kitchen last, but the kitchen can be one of the most difficult rooms to pack, so you may want to use any chance you get with volunteers to do this room where many items need to be individually wrapped.

The key to successful packing truly is having all the right supplies on hand from the start, and not taking shortcuts on purchasing them. Use boxes that are made for packing, as the sizes are correct for ensuring items fit well and are able to be carried. They also are consistent and thus fit better into the transportation vehicle. Many potential problems can be avoided with a little investment and preparation. Moving successfully can be a relatively simple process when you take the time to stay organised throughout.